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Please note the following:

  • If it has been more than 12 months since your last face-to-face (F2F) appointment with us, you will need to schedule an F2F review to qualify for a Medicare rebate.

  • You may book an appointment for script requests on the "Book Online" page of our website.

  • If you have had blood tests for testosterone, these results will need to be reviewed before issuing a script. Please book a telephone or video consult

  • Dr. Purity will need to call before issuing any scripts. She will call from a withheld number, so if you have requested scripts, please keep your phone available. You will be added to Dr. Purity's daily list, and she will call when she has an available slot in her usual schedule for the day.

  • It is your responsibility to ensure that your script requests are made in good time to avoid running out of medication. Please note, upon review, Dr. Purity will issue a 6-month supply of your HRT. If you’ve run out before then, it’s likely that the chemist has dispensed your script and forgotten to send the repeats back to your phone. Always remind the chemist to send your repeats back to your phone.

  • If you have not had a 6-week review after your initial consult and have run out of the initial batch of scripts provided, please book a review appointment This can be done via telephone or video consult.

  • Dr. Purity will always check what medications you are taking, how you are taking them, and if you have experienced any side effects (SEFs). Please be prepared to provide this information during your appointment.

  • For Androfem repeats, remember to do your 6-monthly blood test and make an appointment for review online

  • Your testosterone blood test must be completed before the review. Please note, if you’ve run out of testosterone and do the blood test without using it, the test is pointless. Therefore, you should aim to have your test done before you run out.

  • Please note, while Dr. Purity is a holistic and caring GP, she does not have the capacity to take over your general GP care. Our doctors here at Samy Medical are excellent. If you need a repeat script, other than HRT, please use this link to book online.

  • Try to be diligent and organized with your menopause care. Dr. Purity may not have availability for same-day reviews for scripts, so please plan ahead.

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